
Mitchell Rowe 29-07-2023
Mitchell Rowe

根据美国疾病控制和预防中心的数据,1.16亿美国人患有高血压(高血压)。 美国医疗集团基金会发表的进一步研究估计,20%的高血压患者不知道自己患有高血压。

定期检查血压是早期发现高血压和寻求医疗帮助的关键。 你的家庭医生可以用传统的袖带读数器连接显示器来检查你的血压。 此外,你可以购买这种设备供家庭使用,或者通过药店/药房让专家为你测量血压读数。

然而,所有这些情况都不足以按照医学专家的建议每天测量两次血压。 此外,袖带对一些人来说是不舒服的,特别是那些手臂较大的人,而且可能会记录错误,导致医院焦虑引起的血压升高。

正是出于这种需要,健康科技公司开发了可穿戴设备,帮助用户在旅途中测量血压。 智能手表是这些可穿戴设备中的一种,其对监测血压的贡献是惊人的。








为了了解智能手表如何测量血压,我们需要 知道血液是如何在体内循环的 . A 心跳 发生在心脏抽动时 血液到身体部位 ,以及 血液回流到心脏 用氧气滋养身体后。

心脏泵 富含氧气的血液以更高的压力进入人体 前者被称为收缩压,健康人的收缩压应该在120毫米汞柱左右。

由于 脱氧的血液流回心脏 来自身体各部位的压力被称为舒张压,最佳测量值为80mmHg。


请注意,高血压是 表示为收缩期测量/舒张期测量 例如,如果你的收缩压是120毫米汞柱,舒张压是77毫米汞柱,你的血压读数就是120/77毫米汞柱。



心电图技术 是一个概念,它使用一个 传感器 监视 构成心跳的电信号的时间和强度 该传感器测量单个脉搏从心脏到手腕所需的时间。 这种现象也被称为 脉冲过境时间(PTT) .

A 更快的PTT 被记录为 血压,而一个 慢速PTT 表示 建议你在使用这种方法时坐着不动,并将戴表的手抬高到心脏水平。 此外,在测量血压之前,在上臂戴上袖带,使血液循环停止一段时间。

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此外、 测量前30分钟避免咖啡因和酒精 因为这类物质会提高心率,导致读数不正确。

使用心电图技术的智能手表的一个例子是三星Galaxy Watch 4,它与健康监测应用程序一起监测你的血压。


光谱仪 包括三个词: 照片,"plethysmo",和图表 .照片的意思 ,"plethysmo "是指 量的变化 在一个身体部位,而该图是一个 图示 显示两个变量之间的关系。

换句话说,光密度计使用了一个 光传感器,以确定在动脉中流动的体积 体积的变化可引起心率的波动,从而记录不同的血压。

这个方法有一个 限制在你需要在最初和每四周后使用标准血压计校准智能手表,以保持准确的读数。 苹果手表使用PPG和心电图传感器来监测血压,以及Qardio等第三方应用程序。


事实证明,智能手表的许多方式之一是监测血压。 这些智能小工具使用两种技术测量你的血压,即心电图和光电图。

前者涉及测量构成心跳的电信号的时间和强度。 同时,后者使用高效的光传感器来检测血液中的体积变化,表示血压的变化。

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虽然用智能手表测量的血压与用标准血压计测量的血压没有很大差别,但它是不准确的。 将手臂抬高到心脏的水平,并保持不动,以便从智能手表获得更准确的结果。

三星Galaxy Watch 4能监测血压吗?

是的,三星Galaxy Watch 4可以测量你的血压。 但是,你最初需要用标准的血压计来校准它,并与健康监测应用程序一起使用它。

Mitchell Rowe

Mitchell Rowe is a technology enthusiast and expert who has a deep passion for exploring the digital world. With over a decade of experience, he has become a trusted authority in the field of technology guides, how-tos, and tests. Mitchell's curiosity and dedication have driven him to stay updated with the latest trends, advancements, and innovations in the ever-evolving tech industry.Having worked in various roles within the technology sector, including software development, network administration, and project management, Mitchell possesses a well-rounded understanding of the subject matter. This extensive experience enables him to break down complex concepts into easily understandable terms, making his blog an invaluable resource for both tech-savvy individuals and beginners alike.Mitchell's blog, Technology Guides, How-Tos Tests, serves as a platform for him to share his knowledge and insights with a global audience. His comprehensive guides provide step-by-step instructions, troubleshooting tips, and practical advice on a wide range of technology-related topics. From setting up smart home devices to optimizing computer performance, Mitchell covers it all, ensuring that his readers are well-equipped to make the most of their digital experiences.Driven by an insatiable thirst for knowledge, Mitchell constantly experiments with new gadgets, software, and emergingtechnologies to evaluate their functionality and user-friendliness. His meticulous testing approach allows him to provide unbiased reviews and recommendations, empowering his readers to make informed decisions when investing in technology products.Mitchell's dedication to demystifying technology and his ability to communicate complex concepts in a straightforward manner have garnered him a loyal following. With his blog, he strives to make technology accessible to everyone, helping individuals overcome any barriers they may face when navigating the digital realm.When Mitchell is not immersed in the world of technology, he enjoys outdoor adventures, photography, and spending quality time with family and friends. Through his personal experiences and passion for life, Mitchell brings a genuine and relatable voice to his writing, ensuring that his blog is not only informative but also engaging and enjoyable to read.